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Planning for your retirement

Planning for your retirement is essential if you wish to maintain a good standard of living when you cease work, the earlier you start saving the better chance you have of achieving your objective. Saving regularly into a pension scheme is probably one of the best options given the tax advantages associated with these types of plans.

Finding a plan that is right for you is a complex task. We can assist you with this to ensure that your long term planning is on the right track to meet your requirements in retirement.

Pension Reviews

You may already have pension schemes in place. We will be happy to undertake a full review of these with you to ensure that you are on course to meet your retirement objectives.

The review process will consider a number of factors, including:

  • Are your current retirement plans on course to achieve your desired retirement income at your selected retirement age
  • Are they in line with your attitude to investment risk – this is especially significant if you are approaching retirement age, as you may wish to secure the capital leading up to retirement and reduce the risk associated with the funds
  • Is it in line with your ethical/environmental preferences – do you have access to a wide range of ethical funds to help meet this objective
  • Existing charging structure- is it competitive
  • The facility to consolidate your pension arrangements – this may reduce the overall charges on your plans as some companies offer a lower charging structure depending on how much is invested


Retiring is a significant milestone in your life when all the things you have talked about doing come to fruition, subject of course to you being able to afford them. There are a number of options available to you to realise your pension pot and finding the right one for you is complex. However we can help guide you through the options to find the most suitable solution for you.

If you wish us to review your retirement options with you and produce a report outlining our recommendations for your retirement please contact us.